
Outdoor Plants
Outdoor Plant Maintenance | Containerized Plant Service in the Fayetteville, Arkansas area

Benefits of Live Office Plants

Commercial Plant Service & Maintenance in the Fayetteville, Arkansas area


Browse through our gallery to see our previous interior landscape designs and custom plant designs for organizations in Northwest Arkansas. 

Office Plant Services & Plant Maintenance Services in the Fayetteville, Arkansas area

Encourage Employee Satisfaction & Productivity

Encourage Employee Satisfaction & Productivity

Many well respected studies (too many to ignore) have shown that living plants decrease employee stress, reduce illness and enhance productivity. We know that happy work environments contribute to happy employees, which results in work satisfaction and fulfillment. Many corporate environments contain open work plan areas. And while they can sometimes aid communication, they can often be distracting and seem cold. Urban Jungle can help you choose office plants that help break up open space, reduce noise levels and lead to happier, healthier and more productive employees. 

Potentially Lower Operations & Maintenance Costs

Potentially Lower Operations & Maintenance Costs

In addition to creating a fresh and happier environment, office plants can reduce operations and maintenance costs for your building. Plants provide shading and cooling through a process called transpiration, which can decrease office temperatures by 10 degrees. 

In the absence of office plants, humidity levels in offices often run below the recommended range. When the level of  humidity in the office is high our respiratory systems function at a higher level.  

 Enhance Aesthetic Value

Enhance Aesthetic Value

Buildings with interior planting are perceived as more expensive-looking, more welcoming and more relaxed. Conversely, studies prove that people’s perceptions of a building are less positive in the absence of plants. Incorporating live office plants into your décor isn’t just for aesthetic appeal; it is investing in the health and success of your business.

Potentially Reduce Sick Leave

Potentially Reduce Sick Leave

“Sick Building Syndrome” develops into a serious and expensive liability when toxins become concentrated inside sealed office buildings. Most offices have less exchange with fresh air than other buildings. This causes an increase in bacteria and toxic chemicals. Research has shown that plant-filled office rooms have 60% fewer airborne molds and bacteria than rooms without plants. 
Incorporating live office plants into your décor isn’t just for aesthetic appeal; it is investing in the health and productivity of your business.
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